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ARMO GROUP SIA is a company based in Riga, Latvia and engaged in wholesale of construction materials.

icon_widget_image Office: Bauskas street 58, Riga, LV-1004 icon_widget_image Warehouse: Maskavas street 450, Riga, LV-1064 icon_widget_image Phone.: +371 23005353 icon_widget_image E-mail:

Thrace TGC


Thrace TGC

Thrace TGC is a polypropylene (PP) geocomposite designed specifically for the stabilisation of soils where both a reinforcing action as well as the separation between a granular base and very fine soil is required.
Laminating a nonwoven geotextile to a Thrace TG geogrid produces the Thrace TGC geocomposite. Thrace TGC has both a high tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, exceptional construction damage resistance during installation, and excellent resistance to atmospheric agents. Furthermore, the geometry of the TGC geocomposite permits a strong interaction with the soil being reinforced, complete separation of the different soil types, and an effective filtering action.


  • geometrical parameters of geograting apertures ensure consolidated work of road basis layers;
  • high degree of material’s durability;
  • low relative lengthening at maximal permissible load;
  • low indicator of fragility and material’s optimal plasticity;
  • can be produced with various sizes of a cell;
  • possibility of building works realisation during winter time (time reduction).


  • Highway and roads
  • Railways
  • Solid waste landfill
  • Ports and harbours
  • Landscape and sport


  • Reinforcement
  • Separation
  • Filtration
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